CARA holds regular Open Meetings to which all residents of Georgeham and Croyde are invited. Please come and share your views, contribute ideas, or air concerns you may have regarding the future of our lovely villages. Follow the link below to check meeting dates and to access the minutes of past meetings.
How to Donate
Thank you in advance for your kind donation. This will help us to raise the funds we need to keep up our fight to protect Croyde and the AONB. There are several ways that you can donate to the campaign. Full details of the campaign can be found on our blog, on our crowdfunding page (link below), and on our campaign website:
Via our crowdfunding website:
Via our bank account:
Account: Croyde Area Residents Association
Sort Code: 09-01-29
A/C no: 14968792
Via Paypal:
Click on the donate button below or on the link:
Via cash or cheque:
Please drop cash or cheque into the CARA box in the post office, or to a committee member.
If you are a UK taxpayer, with your permission, CARA can claim gift aid your subscription. This boosts your donation by 25%. It makes a world of difference to us and doesn't cost you a penny! We just need you to indicate that you are happy for us to claim gift aid on your donation. If you are donating via Crowdjustice please complete the gift aid details in that process. If you are donating via another method please complete our online gift aid form here.
Thank you SO much! We couldn't do it without you!
The CARA Team