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Draft Neighbourhood Plan - All Residents Asked to Comment

Draft Neighbourhood Plan - All Residents Asked to Comment

6th November 2018: 

In October 2015, Georgeham Parish Council decided to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. An application was made to the North Devon District to progress the Plan. This was agreed, and a sub-group was set up to plan how to begin. The aim was to involve as many residents as possible in the process. Open Meetings have been held, surveys conducted, and written submissions from individuals and groups have been incorporated into the document. 


Click the image to read the latest draft.

It has taken a long time to reach this point at which we are now asking all residents of the Parish what they think of the work so far. This is a Consultation Document. In due course it will go to the District and the Inspector, and there will be a final referendum before it is adopted.  Please make your thoughts known at this stage so that amendments can be considered before the final processes are conducted.


** COMMENTS to the Parish Clerk by 14 December 2018


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