Choir rehearsals are back! We know lots of you have really missed them and will be delighted to start belting out the tunes again!
John McDonald, your choir master, is super excited and already has an event earmarked!
"I’m delighted to announce the return of the regular weekly Monday rehearsals, with lots of new exciting songs. Please bring along your music from previous meetings. New members are most welcome, including those who can’t sing. It’s not a joke. I can change that!"
The first rehearsal is at 7pm on Monday 17th April, and will then continue weekly on Monday nights. The venue for choir practice is Croyde Village Hall
If you are planning to join we'll add you to the choir email list, which we'll use for future communication for choir meetings, details of songs to rehearse, etc.
And if you need a bit of encouragement check out this article: